Officer Complaint Form

The Morristown Police Department is dedicated to ensuring a safe and vibrant community for citizens of, and visitors to, the Town of Morristown. Enforcing our laws and ordinances and providing emergency services can sometimes place our employees in situations where conflicts or questions arise. Completing these critical tasks while protecting and respecting everyone's civil rights is of paramount importance to us.

Maintaining the public's trust is crucial to our success. We take this responsibility very seriously and have a process in place to address complaints or questions about how we accomplish the mission of community safety. We encourage community members to report employee misconduct. These complaints will be dealt with in a prompt, open, and professional manner.

Our complaint process is established to investigate concerns and complaints regarding the performance of our employees. This process helps us to determine if training or corrective action is needed. It also serves to protect employees from unwarranted criticism while properly performing their duties.

The first step in our process is to meet with an on-duty supervisor to address your questions or concerns and to document the events that transpired. If you are unable to come to the police department, you may call (802) 888-4211 and ask to speak with a supervisor. We can send a supervisor to meet with you, or in unusual cases, we can accept your complaint via email, mail, or phone. Your concerns will be evaluated and forwarded to a member of the command staff for review. Many concerns can be quickly resolved, but some may require a lengthier investigation to resolve.

At the conclusion of the internal review process, you will be contacted and informed of the decision.


Phone number
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Incident Date/Time
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Location of Incident
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Description of Complaint
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Witness to Incident
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Voluntary Statement Affidavit
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